Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Basic Marketing Management or Nonprofit Essentials

Basic Marketing Management

Author: Douglas J Dalrympl

Everything You Need to Create Effective Marketing Strategies! With its engaging writing style and clear presentation, this how-to book provides you with the core marketing management concepts that everyone must know to compete in today's business environment. Updated to reflect the current marketplace, the book spotlights hot topics such as electronic commerce, brand equity, database marketing, relationship marketing, business to business marketing, and interfunctional coordination. And with the help of real-world examples, you'll learn how to apply the material to plan, coordinate, and execute a successful marketing strategy. Key Features of the Second Edition
* Updated Marketing in Action and Marketing Strategies boxes provide real-world examples that demonstrate how the material is applied in business.
* "New Applying. To" and "Integrating. With" sections highlight topical marketing and business areas.
* Internet coverage is integrated throughout the book.
* Globalization is thoroughly discussed and the concepts are reinforced through examples and questions.
* Ethics questions.
* SPSS(r) Student Version for Windows 9.0 is available to accompany the text.

Table of Contents:
About the Authors
1The Role of Marketing in Organizations and Society1
2Marketing Strategy23
3Customer Analysis41
4Market Segmentation and Product Differentiation65
5Competitive Analysis and Product Positioning84
6Product Development and Testing103
7Brand Management129
8Services Marketing151
10Selecting Distribution Channels193
11Personal Selling and Sales Force Management211
12Direct Marketing234
13Designing Adverting Programs248
14Sales Promotion and Public Relations272
15International Marketing294
16Marketing Planning313

Interesting textbook: The Thunderbird Guide to International Business Resources on the World Wide Web or Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofit Essentials: Recruiting and Training Fundraising Volunteers

Author: Linda Lysakowski ACFR

Praise for Recruiting and Training Fundraising Volunteers

"Linda Lysakowski brings into focus the realities of enlisting volunteers to ensure success in a campaign. She clearly outlines logical steps that lead to inspiring passion in the volunteer, who is so essential to reaching a goal. I wish such a comprehensive treatise had been available to me forty years ago!"

—Milton Murray, Director Emeritus Philanthropic Service for Institutions Adventist World Headquarters (Silver Spring, Maryland)

"It was a pleasure to read Ms. Lysakowski's book, which outlines the roles of volunteers in the art of fundraising. Linda has woven the guidance of the great masters of philanthropy and volunteer management partnered with her extensive life experience. This is a must-have resource for development officers and nonprofit leadership essential for both volunteers and management. I especially liked the 'In the Real World' examples of concepts in action that could be implemented locally."

—Ann H. Moffitt, CFRE, Vice President of Community Development Keystone Human Services, and CEO, Keystone Partnership (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania)

"Research and practice tell us that organizations that engage volunteers in fundraising have more sustained success, even in tough times. This book is a substantive contribution to the literature of volunteer fundraisers, and it reminds us of the honorable role of volunteers in fundraising, even in this time of the growing professionalization of staff fundraising."

—Timothy L. Seiler, PhD, CFRE, Director Public Service and The Fund Raising School, Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University (Indianapolis,Indiana)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Business Communication Activebook or Business Ethics

Business Communication Activebook: Version 2.0

Author: John V Thill

This interactive book will give you the tools you'll need to succeed in today's workplace by developing your essential communication skills. Three easy-to-follow steps (planning, writing, and completing business messages) offer a practical strategy for writing and delivering business messages. Abundant sample documents show how to apply the principles being discussed. This is the only book that offers business communication experience in every chapter through real-world "on-the-job" simulations, featuring actual companies and real-world business documents. These simulations provide a unique opportunity for you to practice and sharpen your business communication problem-solving skills. Topics include: understanding business communication; the three-step writing process; letters, memos, e-mail, and other brief communications; reports and oral presentations; and resumes and interviewing for employment. An essential and useful tool for anyone interested in developing better business communication skills; human resource personnel, managers, and office workers will find interactive book especially helpful.

Book review: Guerilla Data Analysis Using Microsoft Excel or The Art of Computer Programming

Business Ethics: Managing Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability in the Age of Globalization

Author: Andrew Cran

The subject of business ethics addresses what can be considered morally right and wrong in the way businesses make decisions and conduct their activities. Written from a European perspective, Business Ethics is a lively and engaging textbook covering the foundations of business ethics and applying these theories, concepts and tools to each of the corporation's major stakeholders. This second edition has been thoroughly revised and updated and includes new content on personal values and Asian perspectives. It features lots of new cases and vignettes as well as updates of favorites from the first edition.

Table of Contents:
List of figures     xiv
List of boxes     xvi
Preface to the second edition     xviii
Acknowledgements     xxiv
Understanding business ethics
Introducing business ethics     3
What is business ethics?     4
Business ethics and the law     5
Defining morality, ethics, and ethical theory     8
Why is business ethics important?     9
Globalization: a key context for business ethics?     14
What is globalization?     15
The relevance of globalization for business ethics     18
Sustainability: a key goal for business ethics?     20
The triple bottom line     23
Environmental perspectives     25
Economic perspectives     26
Social perspectives     27
Implications of sustainability for business ethics     28
Europe: a key perspective for business ethics?     28
What is Europe?     29
European versus alternative approaches to business ethics     30
Sources of difference between Europe and other regions     32
Globalization and assimilation between Europe and other regions     33
Summary     34
Study Questions     35
Research Exercise     35
Key Readings     36
McEurope: McDonald's Responds to Ethical Criticism in Europe     36
Framing business ethics: Corporate Responsibility, Stakeholders, and Citizenship     41
Towards a framework for business ethics     42
What is a corporation?     42
Key features of a corporation     42
Can a corporation have social responsibilities?     43
Can a corporation be morally responsible for its actions?     44
Corporate social responsibility     45
Why do corporations have social responsibilities?     47
What is the nature of corporate social responsibilities?     49
CSR in an international context     51
CSR and strategy - corporate social responsiveness     53
Outcomes of CSR: corporate social performance     56
Stakeholder theory of the firm     57
Why stakeholders matter     61
A new role for management     62
Stakeholder thinking in a European context     62
Different forms of stakeholder theory     63
Corporate accountability - the firm as a political actor     64
Governmental failure: 'risk society' and the institutional failure of politics     65
Why do governments fail?     65
Corporate power on the rise     66
The problem of democratic accountability     67
Corporate citizenship     70
Defining corporate citizenship: three perspectives     71
Limited view of CC     71
Equivalent view of CC     73
An extended view of CC     74
Assessing corporate citizenship as a framework for business ethics     78
Summary     79
Study Questions     80
Research Exercise     80
Key Readings     80
The 'English Patient' and the Chinese Takeaway: Examining Social Responsibilities in the MG Rover Collapse     81
Evaluating business ethics: Normative Ethical Theories     85
Introduction     86
The role of ethical theory     86
Normative ethical theories     88
Traditional ethical theories     90
Consequentialist theories     91
Non-consequentialist theories     97
Limits of traditional theories     107
Contemporary ethical theories     110
Virtue ethics     110
Feminist ethics     111
Discourse ethics     113
Postmodern perspectives on business ethics     115
Summary: towards a pragmatic use of ethical theory     119
Study Questions     122
Research Exercise     122
Key Readings     123
British Petroleum and the BTC Pipeline: Turkish Delight or Russian Roulette?     123
Making decisions in business ethics: Descriptive Ethical Theories     127
Introduction     128
What is an ethical decision?     129
Models of ethical decision-making     130
Stages in ethical decision-making     130
Relationship with normative theory     131
Influences on ethical decision-making     132
Limitations of ethical decision-making models     133
European perspective on ethical decision-making     135
Individual influences on ethical decision-making     136
Age and gender     136
National and cultural characteristics     138
Education and employment     139
Psychological factors     140
Personal values     144
Personal integrity     145
Moral imagination     148
Situational influences on decision-making     149
Issue-related factors     149
Context-related factors      155
Summary     162
Study Questions     163
Research Exercise     163
Key Readings     163
School for Scandal? Business Schools Turn Their Attention to Ethics Education     164
Managing business ethics: Tools and Techniques of Business ethics Management     169
Introduction     170
What is business ethics management?     170
Components of business ethics management     171
Mission or values statements     171
Evolution of business ethics management     174
Setting standards of ethical behaviour: designing and implementing codes of ethics     175
Prevalence of codes of ethics     176
Content of codes of ethics     177
Effectiveness of codes of ethics     180
Global codes of ethics     181
Managing stakeholder relations     185
Assessing stakeholder importance: an instrumental perspective     186
Types of stakeholder relationship     187
Problems with stakeholder collaboration     191
Assessing ethical performance     194
Defining social accounting     195
Why do organizations engage in social accounting?     197
What makes for 'good' social accounting?     198
Organizing for business ethics management     202
Formal ethics programmes     202
Informal ethics management: ethical culture and climate     204
Business ethics and leadership     205
Summary     207
Study Questions     208
Research Exercise     208
Key Readings     209
Shell Shocked: Is Shell a Case of 'Ethical Epiphany' or 'Lessons Not Learned'?     209
Contextualizing business ethics: The corporate citizen and its stakeholders
Shareholders and business ethics     217
Introduction: reassessing the importance of shareholders as stakeholders     218
Shareholders as stakeholders: understanding corporate governance     218
Corporate governance: a principal-agent relation     220
Shareholders' relations with other stakeholders: different European frameworks of corporate governance     222
Ethical issues in corporate governance     225
Executive accountability and control     228
Executive remuneration     229
Ethical aspects of mergers and acquisitions     230
The role of financial markets and insider trading     232
The role of accountants     237
Reforming governance      239
Shareholders and globalization     240
The Tobin Tax     243
Combating global terrorism and money laundering     244
Shareholders as citizens of the corporation     246
Shareholder democracy     246
Shareholder activism     247
Ethical investment     250
Shareholding for sustainability     254
The Dow Jones Sustainability Group Index     254
Rethinking sustainable corporate ownership: corporation or co-operation?     256
Summary     258
Study Questions     259
Research Exercise     259
Key Readings     259
Corporate Governance of Professional Football Clubs: For Profit or for Glory?     260
Employees and business ethics     263
Introduction     264
Employees as stakeholders     265
Ethical issues in the firm-employee relation     267
Management of human 'resources' - an ethical problem between rights and duties     267
Discrimination     271
Sexual and racial harassment     275
Employee privacy     279
Due process and lay-offs     285
Employee participation and association     287
Working conditions      289
Fair wages     291
Freedom of conscience and freedom of speech in the workplace     293
The right to work     294
Employing people worldwide: the ethical challenges of globalization     296
National culture and moral values     297
Absolutism versus relativism     297
Some yardsticks for ethical decision-making     298
The 'race to the bottom'     298
The corporate citizen and employee relations in a varied European context     299
Towards sustainable employment     301
Re-humanized workplaces     302
Wider employment     302
Work-life balance     303
Summary     304
Study Questions     305
Research Exercise     305
Key Readings     306
Making a Living or Working Yourself to Death? Exploring the Brave New World of Work     306
Consumers and business ethics     311
Introduction     312
Consumers as stakeholders     313
The limits of caveat emptor     314
Ethical issues, marketing, and the consumer     316
Ethical issues in marketing management     316
Ethical issues in marketing strategy      331
Globalization and consumers: the ethical challenges of the global marketplace     335
Reproduction of consumerism     336
Dislocation of production and consumption     337
Cultural homogenization     338
New forms of resistance     338
Consumers and corporate citizenship: consumer sovereignty and the politics of purchasing     339
Consumer sovereignty     339
Ethical consumption     341
Sustainable consumption     346
What is sustainable consumption?     347
The challenge of sustainable consumption     347
Steps towards sustainable consumption     348
Summary     351
Study Questions     352
Research Exercise     353
Key Readings     353
Boycotting the 'Baby Killers'? Nestle and the Ongoing Infant Formula Controversy     353
Suppliers, competitors, and business ethics     357
Introduction     358
Suppliers and competitors as stakeholders     359
Suppliers as stakeholders     359
Competitors as stakeholders     359
Ethical Issues and suppliers     361
Misuse of power     362
The question of loyalty      364
Preferential treatment     365
Conflicts of interest     366
Gifts, bribes, and hospitality     367
Ethics in negotiation     371
Ethical issues and competitors     372
Problems of overly aggressive competition     373
'Dirty tricks'     377
Problems of insufficient competition     378
Globalization, suppliers, and competitors: the ethical challenges of global business networks     379
Different ways of doing business     380
Impacts on indigenous businesses     383
Differing labour and environmental standards     384
Extended chain of responsibility     385
The corporate citizen in the business community: ethical sourcing and fair trade     387
Ethical sourcing     388
Ethical sourcing as business-business regulation     388
Strategies of business-business regulation     389
Fair trade     390
Sustainability and business relationships: towards industrial ecosystems?     393
From supply chains to supply loops     394
Industrial ecosystems     394
Summary     396
Study Questions     397
Research Exercise     397
Key Readings      398
Fair Enough? Big Business Embraces Fair Trade     398
Civil society and business ethics     403
Introduction: what is civil society?     404
Civil society organizations as stakeholders     407
Ethical issues and CSOs     413
Recognizing CSO stakes     413
CSO tactics     415
Boycotts     421
CSO accountability     426
Globalization and civil society organizations     428
Engagement with overseas CSOs     429
Global issues and causes     429
Globalization of CSOs     433
Corporate citizenship and civil society: charity, collaboration, or regulation?     434
Charity and community giving     435
Business-CSO collaboration     436
Civil regulation     441
Civil society, business, and sustainability     444
Balancing competing interests     445
Towards participation and empowerment     446
Summary     447
Study Questions     448
Research Exercise     448
Key Readings     448
From Conflict to Collaboration? Greenpeace's Greenfreeze Campaign     449
Government, regulation, and business ethics     455
Introduction     456
Government as a stakeholder     456
Defining government, laws, and regulation     456
Basic roles of government as a stakeholder     458
Government as an elected representative of citizens' interests     459
Government as an actor (or group of actors) with interests of its own     460
Ethical issues in the relation between business and government     463
Identifying the basic problems and issues: legitimacy, accountability, and modes of influence     463
Lobbying     466
Party financing     470
Overlap of posts between business and government: individual conflicts of interest     471
State capture by business     473
Ethical issues in the context of privatization and deregulation     475
Globalization and business-government relations     477
From the traditional to the global context     477
Shifting roles for business and government in a global context     481
Business as an actor within the traditional context (Westphalian setting)     482
Business as an actor in the global context (post-Westphalian setting)     483
Business-government relations in the European Union     486
Corporate citizenship and regulation: business as key player in the regulatory game     488
Governments as regulators (segment 1)     490
Self-regulation by business (segment 2)     492
Regulation involving business, governmental actors, and CSOs (segments 3, 4, and 5)     493
Governments, business, and sustainability     499
Global climate change legislation and business responses: support versus obstruction     500
Public support versus private pressure: a middle ground?     501
Achieving sustainability: a necessary role for government?     503
Summary     503
Study Questions     504
Research Exercise     504
Key Readings     505
Dispensing 'the Less Orthodox Inducements' - Bae Systems and the Global Defence Industry     505
Conclusions and future perspectives     509
Introduction     510
The nature and scope of business ethics?     510
Globalization as a new context for business ethics     511
Sustainability as a new goal for business ethics     512
Business ethics in a European context     512
Corporate citizenship as a new concept in business ethics     514
The contribution of normative ethical theories to business ethics     515
Influences on ethical decision-making     516
The role of management tools in business ethics     516
The role of different stakeholder constituencies in business ethics     517
Tradeoffs and conflicts between different stakeholder groups     518
Summary     521
Study Questions     521
Research Exercise     522
Key Readings     522
References     523
Subject index     548
Authors index     555
Countries and regions index     561
Companies, organizations, and brands index     563

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Coming Democracy or Bayesian Inference in Dynamic Econometric Models

The Coming Democracy: New Rules for Running a New World

Author: Ann Florini

National governments are proving ill-equipped to manage an increasingly complicated suite of global problems, from infectious diseases to climate change to conflicts over international trade. In The Coming Democracy, leading political analyst Ann Florini sets forth a compelling new paradigm for transnational governance, one based on the concept of "transparency"— the idea that the free flow of information (on topics ranging from corporate and government behavior to nuclear proliferation to biodiversity protection) provides powerful ways to hold decision makers accountable and to give ordinary people meaningful voice in shaping the policies that affect them. Dramatic breakthroughs in information technology of the past decade have made such transparency possible on a global scale.

Florini offers a clear and comprehensive assessment of the possibilities for using transparency to develop effective approaches to transnational governance. She shows how this new form of governance promises real hope for managing global problems, and provides a compelling scenario that demonstrates how existing conventions and institutions can lead the way in the evolution of a better system of global governance.

Foreign Affairs

In this provocative exploration of global governance, Florini argues that the mounting environmental, socioeconomic, and security challenges of the twenty-first century cannot be managed by the old institutions of the post-1945 era. Effective collective action today requires new forums and cooperative mechanisms that bring transnational and local groups directly into international decision-making. World government is not the answer, but neither is decentralized national or market-based governance. Instead, Florini recommends a new system that incorporates public and private, national and transnational actors into agglomerated representative bodies. The challenge is to engineer such a system without sacrificing democratic accountability. Florini's book begins by exploring the theory and practice of nonstate democratic-based governance, where voice and transparency are built into multilateral decision-making. Other chapters examine the role of national governments, private enterprises, and civil society in the creation of new global rules. Florini ends by applying these ideas to current debates about globalization and sustainable development. The result is a lively and sophisticated glimpse at the coming battle over global governance.

What People Are Saying

Robert O. Keohane
Optimism and a sense of public spirit infuse the pages of THE COMING DEMOCRACY, which makes a case for greater transparency to improve the quality of global governance. THE COMING DEMOCRACY will stimulate debate about its argument, and presents and inspiring message for those who seek to promote progressive change.
Professor of International Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University

Joseph Stiglitz
". . . a beautifully written, highly accessible, authoritative explanation of how the world is changing and what we can do about those changes."

Foreign Affairs
"A lively and sophisticated glimpse at the coming battle over global governance."

Thomas Homer-Dixon
A terrifically important book.
Director of the Trudeau Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Toronto and author of THE INGENUITY GAP

Books about: La Réalisation de Société Économique

Bayesian Inference in Dynamic Econometric Models

Author: Luc Bauwens

This book offers an up-to-date coverage of the basic principles and tools of Bayesian inference in econometrics, with an emphasis on dynamic models. It shows how to treat Bayesian inference in non linear models, by integrating the useful developments of numerical integration techniques based on simulations , and the long available analytical results of Bayesian inference for linear regression models.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Decision Theory and Bayesian Inference

Chapter 2: Bayesian Statistics and Linear Regression

Chapter 3: Methods of Numerical Integration

Chapter 4: Prior Densities for the Regression Model

Chapter 5: Dynamic Regression Models

Chapter 6: Bayesian Unit Roots

Chapter 7: Heteroskedasticity and ARCH

Chapter 8: Nonlinear Tome Series Models

Chapter 9: Systems of Equations

Appendix A: Probability Distributions

Appendix B: Generating Random Numbers

Chapter 1: Decision Theory and Bayesian Inference

Chapter 2: Bayesian Statistics and Linear Regression

Chapter 3: Methods of Numerical Integration

Chapter 4: Prior Densities for the Regression Model

Chapter 5: Dynamic Regression Models

Chapter 6: Bayesian Unit Roots

Chapter 7: Heteroskedasticity and ARCH

Chapter 8: Nonlinear Tome Series Models

Chapter 9: Systems of Equations

Appendix A: Probability Distributions

Appendix B: Generating Random Numbers

Saturday, February 14, 2009

China 2020 or Risk Management and Insurance

China 2020: Development Challenges in the New Century

Author: The World Bank Staff

The first volume in the China 2020 seven-volume set, China 2020: Development Challenges in the New Century, provides an overview of the country's strengths and weaknesses as well as its obstacles and options. The report argues that China can meet these challenges and sustain rapid growth, mainly because of its strengths including its relative stability, a remarkably high savings rate, a strong record of pragmatic reforms, a disciplined and literate labor force, a supportive Chinese diaspora, and growing administrative capacity. These strengths have driven the country's growth for the past two decades and can continue to do so over the next two. To nurture these strengths and use them effectively, however, reforms must develop in three related areas: the spread of market forces must be encouraged; the government must begin serving markets by building the legal, social, physical, and institutional infrastructure, and integration with the world economy must be deepened.

Books about: Americas Queen or The Great Shame

Risk Management and Insurance

Author: James S Trieschmann

Risk Management and Insurance is intended to assist you in identifying and analyzing all types of risk and managing them through insurance and alternative tools.

Table of Contents:
1Introduction to risk2
2Risk identification and evaluation15
3Property and liability loss exposures32
4Life, health, and loss of income exposures54
5Risk management techniques : noninsurance methods75
6Insurance as a risk management technique : principles89
7Insurance as a risk management technique : policy provisions112
8Selecting and implementing risk management techniques133
9Risk management and commercial property - part I154
10Risk management and commercial property - part II173
11Risk management and commercial liability risk197
12Workers' compensation and alternative risk financing216
13Risk management for auto owners - part I240
14Risk management for auto owners - part II264
15Risk management for homeowners278
16Loss of life320
17Loss of health345
18Retirement planning and annuities369
19Employee benefits : life and health benefits382
20Employee benefits : retirement plans404
21Financial and estate planning427
22Risk management and the insurance industry452
23Functions and organization of insurers472
24Government regulation of risk management and insurance494
App. APresent value and annuity tables
App. BPersonal automobile policy
App. CHomeowners 3 - special form
App. DSample whole life insurance policy with riders
App. EDisability income insurance policy

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Radio Broadcasting Industry or Fifty Years of the Deutsche Mark

The Radio Broadcasting Industry: (Part of the Allyn & Bacon Series in Mass Communication)

Author: Alan B Albarran

Perhaps no form of mass media has undergone as much change and evolution as radio, which continues to reinvent itself today. This book introduces radio - from early history to current programming, ownership and regulatory developments - and previews future technological considerations. By placing a strong emphasis on the business of radio, readers develop a complete understanding of the industry and of how radio stations attract and retain an audience that could be spending its time with other media forms. For anyone interested in Radio, the Broadcasting Industry, Media Economics, and Media Management.

Table of Contents:

Broadcast Radio: An Orientation.

A Familiar Sound
Radio: It's Everywhere.
Radio's Evolution.
Radio — A Local Medium.
A Look at Listeners.
International Listeners.
A Thumbnail View of Radio Regulation.
Efficient Radio Spectrum Usage.
Radio Programming.
The Radio Business.
The Plan of the Book.

The History and Development of Radio Broadcasting.

Electromagnetic Spectrum.
Marconi: Inventor, Innovator, and Entrepreneur.
Three Inventors and Innovators: Fessenden, de Forest, and Armstrong.
Growth of Public Interest in Wireless.
The First Wireless Regulations.
The Beginning of Programming for the Mass Audience.
The Secretary of Commerce Attempts to Regulate Radio.
Commercial Sponsorship Begins.
Radio's New Regulators.
The Development of Radio Networks.
The Golden Age of Radio Programming.
AM Radio: Standard Broadcast Service.
Local Radio Service Develops.
Music and More.
Station Differentiation: Top 40.
The Decline of AM and the Rise of FM Radio.
Radio in 2000 and Beyond.

Radio Regulation.

Radio Regulation.
Origins of Radio Regulation: The Pioneer Era.
Communications Act and Radio's Golden Age.
Deregulatory Period: Round One.
Deregulatory Period: Round Two.
Current Regulations.
Program Content.
Political Advertising. Tobacco and Alcohol Advertising. False or Deceptive Advertising.
Daily Operations.
Required Communication and Engineering Concerns. HiringPractices.
Licensing and License Renewal.
Future of Radio Regulations.

The Radio Industry: Management and Economics of Radio.

Radio Management — A Brief Overview.
Management Responsibilities.
Levels of Management. Radio Management Skills. Radio Managerial Roles.
Issues in Radio Management.
Maximizing Cash Flow. Personnel Issues. The Challenge of Competition. The Demise of AM. Embracing the Internet.
Radio Economics.
Radio Markets: The Local Market. Radio Markets: The National Market.
Supply and Demand Relationships in Radio.
Market Structure for Radio.
Radio Performance and Profitability.

Radio Programming.

Brand Name Awareness and Usage.
Radio Becomes Brand Aware.
Programming for a Specific Audience.
Supplying More Than Music Utility.
External and Internal Brand Building.
Maintaining On-Air Consistency.
Music Formats.
Radio Format Segmentation.
Radio Formats: From AC (Adult Contemporary) to UC (Urban Contemporary).
Ever Changing Formats.

The Radio Brand and Advertising.

Industry Profile: The Radio Advertising Bureau.
Radio Consolidation and Effect on Sales.
Radio Advertising Clients.
Radio: Reach and Frequency.
Research and Ratings.
Optimum Effective Scheduling.
Rate Cards.
Agency Selling.
Value-Added Selling.
The Business of Selling.

Radio Research.

Sales Research.
Arbitron. Sample Procedures. Methodology. Arbitron Report. Interpreting the Arbitron Book. Criticisms of Ratings Research. Other Sales Research.
Programming Research.
Callout Research. Auditorium Testing. Focus Groups. Personal Interviews. Intercept Research.
Some Considerations for Future Research.
Internet Research.

Noncommercial Radio Broadcasting.

Defining Noncommercial Radio.
The Early History of Noncommercial Radio.
Noncommercial Radio Finds a Home on the FM Band.
Radio Finds a Place in the Public Broadcasting Act.
The Politics of Noncommercial Radio.
Paying the Bills: Noncommercial Radio Economics.
A Refreshing Alternative: Programming on Noncommercial Radio.
Examining the Audience for Noncommercial Radio.
The Declining Role of Education in Public Radio.

9. The Contemporary Radio Industry: Mover and Shakers.
The Moguls.
Thomas Hicks. Lowery Mays. Mel Karmazin.
The Stars.
Howard Stern. Laura Schlesinger. Rush Limbaugh. Larry King. Casey Kasem.
The Innovators.
Mark Cuban and Todd Wagner.

Radio and the Twenty-First Century.

The Business of Radio.
Consolidation. Syndication Marketplace. Radio Marketing.
Technologies Impacting Radio.
The Internet. Satellite-Delivered Radio Services.



Interesting textbook: Carbohydrates in Food or Guillain Barre Syndrome

Fifty Years of the Deutsche Mark: Central Bank and the Currency in Germany since 1948

Author: Deutsche Bundesbank Staff

This book provides detailed independent analyses of the successes and limitations of one of the most successful economic relationships in recent history: the Deutsche Mark and the Deutsche Bundesbank. Issues covered include the central bank constitution, the central bank's relationship with fiscal policy-makers and with other banks, and the international significance of the Deutsche Mark. With European economic and monetary union approaching, the lessons to be learnt from the German experience are now more important than ever.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Unholy Trinity or The Origins of Cultural Differences and Their Impact on Management

Unholy Trinity: Labor, Capital and Land in the New Economy, Vol. 6

Author: Duncan K Foley

This work explores the relations between contemporary complex systems theory and Classical political economy, and applies the methods it develops to the problems of induced technical change and income distribution in capitalist economies.

Book review: Il coordinatore professionista di affari di allievo: Educatore, capo e responsabile

The Origins of Cultural Differences and Their Impact on Management

Author: Jack Scarborough

In cross cultural business settings, the author suggests that it is not enough to know that behavior differs across cultures, but also how differences in values drive these behaviors. To truly understand the differences among cultures, one must understand their origins, how they emerged on the world stage and the various economic, political, physical, social, and religious forces that shaped them. This is a unique book in that it traces the antecedents of people's behavior and shows readers why cultures differ and includes suggestions for adjusting to these differences. Engrossing and revealing, Scarborough's book will be essential for corporate management and others involved in international commerce, but also for their counterparts in the public sector, who also understand why it is necessary to get along with people from other cultures in the pursuit of mutually beneficial goals.


Explains the antecedents of people's behavior in different cultures and suggests ways to adjust for these differences, and looks at the deeper reasons why behavior, values, and beliefs differ across specific cultures. Material is organized in chapters on countries and regions, with detailed overviews of cultural settings, major historical forces, religion, and core values and behavior, plus chapter summaries. For corporate management and others involved in international commerce. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Table of Contents:
1The Cultural Connection1
4Korea and Southeast Asia73
Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore78
The Philippines86
5The Arab World and Islam97
6The Indian Subcontinent123
9Western Europe187
Germany, Austria, and Switzerland211
The Netherlands and Belgium223
Iberia and Greece228
10Sub-Saharan Africa237
11Implications for Cross-cultural Management255

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Take Charge of Your Medical Practice before Someone Else Does It for You or The IMS

Take Charge of Your Medical Practice . . . before Someone Else Does It for You: Practical Practice Management for the Managed Care Market

Author: Neil Baum

For a physician to succeed in The New World of health care delivery he or she needs to focus on four key areas of medical practice: his patients; his office; his business relationship with managed care plans, hospitals and other physicians; and his marketing plan. Each of these areas is a pillar of effective practice, the importance of which will not be diminished or changed regardless of the direction of future health care reform.

Robert E. Rakel

This book provides advice to new practices (physicians and staff) on how to build or expand a practice. Its six parts address ways to understand and attract patients; how to run an efficient office; working effectively with managed care plans; marketing the medical practice; getting favorable media attention; and balancing one's personal and professional life. There is no preface and the purpose is not clearly stated in the introduction, but it appears the book is intended to help physicians and staff run an efficient office that will attract and retain patients. The audience would include all physicians in their final years of residency and those just starting out in practice. Physicians already in practice and interested in expanding or building greater patient loyalty could also benefit. The illustrations and tables are appropriate and the number is about right. There are too few references, but they are current. The table of contents is well done, but the index is too superficial. Unique features include the chapters on the proper use of humor in the practice, creating a patient-friendly office, and creating a practice newsletter and videotape. The topic of practice development and office management is addressed somewhat uniquely, covering areas not present in other texts. Overall, however, the coverage is superficial in areas and reflects the background of the author, who is a urologist. The book will be of greatest interest to the physician who is just starting or has recently started a practice. The section on attracting and communicating with patients may be the most useful because many residents do not learn this during their training. The book will be of limited valueto libraries as a reference, but bookstores may do well by it.

Doody Review Services

Reviewer: Robert E. Rakel, MD (Baylor College of Medicine)
Description: This book provides advice to new practices (physicians and staff) on how to build or expand a practice. Its six parts address ways to understand and attract patients; how to run an efficient office; working effectively with managed care plans; marketing the medical practice; getting favorable media attention; and balancing one's personal and professional life.
Purpose: There is no preface and the purpose is not clearly stated in the introduction, but it appears the book is intended to help physicians and staff run an efficient office that will attract and retain patients.
Audience: The audience would include all physicians in their final years of residency and those just starting out in practice. Physicians already in practice and interested in expanding or building greater patient loyalty could also benefit.
Features: The illustrations and tables are appropriate and the number is about right. There are too few references, but they are current. The table of contents is well done, but the index is too superficial. Unique features include the chapters on the proper use of humor in the practice, creating a patient-friendly office, and creating a practice newsletter and videotape.
Assessment: The topic of practice development and office management is addressed somewhat uniquely, covering areas not present in other texts. Overall, however, the coverage is superficial in areas and reflects the background of the author, who is a urologist. The book will be of greatest interest to the physician who is just starting or has recently started a practice. The section on attracting and communicating with patients may be the most useful because many residents do not learn this during their training. The book will be of limited value to libraries as a reference, but bookstores may do well by it.


3 Stars from Doody

Table of Contents:
Introduction - Why I Wrote This Book
Ch. 1Walking in the Shoes of Your Patients3
Ch. 2The Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow Is As Close As Your Patients11
Ch. 3Coming Attractions: Encouraging New Patients to Your Practice23
Ch. 4The Care and Feeding of Champions35
Ch. 5All's Fair at the Fair39
Ch. 6Positive Experiences Mean Plenty of Patients43
Ch. 7Exceed Patient Expectations53
Ch. 8Survey Your Patients63
Ch. 9Develop Effective Communication Skills71
Ch. 10Create a Mission Statement87
Ch. 11Hire the Dream Team93
Ch. 12Training New Employees105
Ch. 13The Power of Empowerment113
Ch. 14Office Manuals Are Mandatory119
Ch. 15For Positive Results, Use Positive Reinforcement125
Ch. 16Periodic Performance Reviews135
Ch. 17You Get What You Pay For147
Ch. 18Measure and Improve Quality: It's Not a State of Mind153
Ch. 19Putting Mirth into Medicine161
Ch. 20Advice on Advisors173
Ch. 21Reduce Overhead181
Ch. 22Create a Patient-Friendly Office191
Ch. 23On Time Means on the Ball199
Ch. 24Build a Brochure That Builds Business207
Ch. 25Use Computer Power To Boost Your Practice215
Ch. 26Team Up with Physician Extenders To Increase Your Office Efficiency221
Ch. 27Give Your Practice a Checkup227
Ch. 28Putting "Manage" into Managed Care237
Ch. 29Don't Get Caught in the "Cap Trap"243
Ch. 30Act as a Patient Advocate257
Ch. 31Keep Your Gatekeeper Content263
Ch. 32How To Make Your Practice Attractive to Managed Care Plans271
Ch. 33Prepare for Success in Managed Care287
Ch. 34The Power of Point of Service295
Ch. 35Get a Good Grade on Your Report Card303
Ch. 36Managed Care Contracting313
Ch. 37Why Marketing Is a Necessity329
Ch. 38Market Shares and Market Niches331
Ch. 39Create a Medical Practice Marketing Plan339
Ch. 40Practice Newsletters: How To Make Them Work349
Ch. 41Use Bill Stuffers To Market Your Practice357
Ch. 42How To Get a Marketing Booster Shot from Your Medical Manufacturing and Pharmaceutical Companies363
Ch. 43Lights, Camera, Action! Creating Videotapes To Market Your Practice367
Ch. 44Marketing in the Era of Managed Care375
Ch. 45Ten Marketing Commandments385
Ch. 46Are You Ready for Prime Time?389
Ch. 47Write a News Release That Gets Results393
Ch. 48Media Manners That Make a Difference397
Ch. 49Managing a Media Crisis401
Ch. 50Walking the Tightrope407

Read also One That Got Away or Down with Big Brother

The IMS: IP Multimedia Concepts and Services

Author: Aki Niemi

The IMS: IP Multimedia Concepts and Services in the Mobile Domain, Second Edition, builds on the success of the previous best-selling edition, providing comprehensive coverage of IMS –  its concepts, architecture, protocols and functionalities with a wealth of new and updated material.

Mobile telephony with the current technology has been hugely successful and demonstrates the immense value of communicating with peers while being mobile, and with increasingly available smarter multimedia terminals, the communication experience will be something more than just exchanging voice. These multimedia terminals need IP multimedia networks. Hence the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) has developed a standard for SIP-based IP multimedia service machinery known as ‘The IMS’ (IP Multimedia Subsystem). This completely up-to-date and informative guide explains everything you need to know about it...

Key features of the Second Edition include:

• Two new chapters on push-to-talk over cellular and group management.

• Additional new material includes: fixed and mobile convergence, interworking between IPv4 and IPv6 in the IMS, combined circuit-switched and IMS services (combinational services), IMS security and alternative session establishment procedures.

• More coverage of the benefits of IMS, particularly with regard to its role in fixed-mobile convergence.

• Special emphasis on services, featuring more detailed descriptions of presence, messaging, group management and push-to-talk over cellular (conferencing).

• Updates on Third GenerationPartnership Project Agreement (3GPP) Release 6 level.

• New examples and case studies, including a variety of scenarios, how to handle multiple terminals and end-user preferences.

Written in a manner that allows readers to choose the level of knowledge and understanding they need to gain about the IMS, this volume will have instant appeal to a wide ranging audience including marketing managers, research and development engineers, network engineers, developes, test engineers and university students.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Handbook of Globalization Governance and Public Administration or Brief Therapy and Managed Care

Handbook of Globalization, Governance, and Public Administration

Author: Ali Farazmand

Mapping the multi-dimensional relationships between the people, local and national governments, international organizations, global corporations, natural resources, and the world market, this encyclopedic volume is both a primer and a guide for researchers, academics, and policy-makers both public and private. Using country-specific cases, the essays examine globalization as a threat to national sovereignty, the environment, and public health, and as a contributor to increasing worldwide inequality and global insecurity. The authors explore ethics and the need for future global consciousness, and call for sustainable development to be grounded in community-based institutions while governments seek growth through market expansion worldwide.

Table of Contents:
1Globalization : a theoretical analysis with implications for governance and public administration3
2Cultural globalization27
3Planning for change : globalization and American public administration39
4The challenge of globalization to public administration identity51
5Globalization and its impact on strategic security69
6Nation-building : an appraisal83
7Globalization and the regulation of professions93
8Globalization and media coverage of public administration153
9The etiology of transnational health security in the age of globalization165
10Globalization and public administration education : a process of mutual transformation in the former Soviet Union and central and eastern Europe175
11Globalization and information and communications technology influences on democratic governance189
12Regional integration, regionalism and public administration : bridging the global-national divide in decision making and policy implementation207
13Globalization and governance : explaining success and failure227
14Global governance, the UN Secretariat, and international public administration273
15Global governance and national governance : how mutually exclusive?297
16Good governance : its theory and practice in India313
17Globalization and governance in the former East Germany : the European union factor325
18Global administrative reforms and transformation of governance and public administration351
19Globalization of administrative reforms : the dilemmas of combining political control and increased institutional autonomy375
20Globalization, regulatory regimes, and administrative modernization in developing nations : toward a theoretical framework407
21Promising the future or just empty promises? : the paradoxes and perils of human resource management reform in a global context439
22Deconstructing the nation-state bureaucracies : supranationalization and regionalization as polarizing forces in the New Europe463
23Adapting Asia and the Asia-Pacific public administration to a globalizing world : some lessons from experience491
24Recent major administrative reforms : Japan's response to global and domestic challenges519
25Administrative reforms in China : globalization or localization?553
26Globalization, bureaucracy, and administrative reform in Hong Kong585
27Chinese administrative reform : a genie in a bottle601
28Privatization in Africa : the case of Botswana623
29Globalization and administrative reforms : a case study of a globalizing city (Gurgaon) in India639
30The effect of the African growth and opportunity act on the textile and apparel industry in South Africa665
31Nature of decentralized governance in Africa : obstacles and measures for strengthening decentralization for good governance685
32Good governance : a model for India701
33Transnational corporations, development, and underdevelopment745
34New views on north-south relations of imperialism759
35Assessing sustainable development administration : a framework and implications for organizational structure799
36International development management : definitions, debates, and dilemmas821
37The World Bank and postconflict reconstruction841
38The effects of governance on competitiveness in India, China, and Mexico847
39The globalization of public administration : rhetoric, reality, and reason in Ghana861
40New public management : theory, ideology, and practice889
41Global ethics in the 21st century : an alternative approach903
42Subnational governments and globalization : the changing face of federalism921
43Globalization and energy943
44Globalization within countries in conflict : the energy company case961
45Competitive advantage and market organizations in the 21st century : market driving or market driven981
46Revenues and expenditures in Russian oblasts : the changing role of financing state and local public services1003
47The earth charter : toward a new global environmental ethic1019
48Globalization : the changing nature of education and training for administration of government1035
49Global health and human rights : challenges for public health administrators in an era of interdependence and mobility1045
50The globalization of public budgeting in the United States1075
51Global climatic stabilization : challenges for public administration in China and the United States1089
52World crisis in public service and administration1137

Book about: Count Me in or 1001 Recipes for Every Occasion

Brief Therapy and Managed Care: Readings for Contemporary Practice

Author: Michael F Hoyt

A Blueprint for Focused, Time-Sensitive Treatment

Michael F. Hoyt shares his lifetime of experience as expert clinician, researcher, and supervisor in one of the nation's largest HMOs to offer a wealth of illustrative case examples and practical information on how to provide more focused, time-sensitive treatment. In this timely resource book, comprising original chapters and carefully selected reprints, Hoyt presents guidelines on how to offer psychotherapy that is both conscientiously managed, appropriate, and sensitive to a client's needs.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Motion Picture Mega Industry or Network and Netplay

Motion Picture Mega-Industry

Author: Barry Litman

What are the driving forces behind the film industry? How does the creative side gel with the business side? This book explores this fascinating industry in detail and answers the questions never-before answered. The Motion Picture Mega Industry is an in-depth exploration of the movie industry from the early developments to its current multi-billion dollar influence on today's society. Barry Litman has produced a truly unique text drawing on contributions from some of the top scholars in the field. The book examines the business of motion pictures; how the industry is structured; what ethics and morals are commonplace; the current issues that are affecting the motion picture industry today. It includes explicit chapters on conglomerates, mergers, copyright, censorship, and more. Movie industry buffs. Part of The Allyn & Bacon Series in Mass Communication


Twelve contributions analyze various aspects of the US motion picture industry including its business history; famous antitrust cases; mergers; censorship; and the relationship between film content and economic factors. Appendices cover microeconomic foundations, the industrial organization model, and merger guidelines. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Read also Everyone Is NOT Doing It or Good Is the Flesh

Network and Netplay: Virtual Groups on the Internet

Author: Fay Sudweeks

foreword by Ronald Rice

The vast, international web of computer networks that is the Internet offers millions of users the opportunity to exchange electronic mail, photographs, and sound clips; to search databases for books, CDs, cars, and term papers; to participate in real-time audio- and video-conferencing; and to shop for products both virtual and physical. This huge conglomerate of links, hyperlinks, and virtual links is not just a technology for linking computers--it is a medium for communication.

The convergence of computer and communication technologies creates a social convergence as well. People meet in chat rooms and discussion groups to converse on everything from auto mechanics to postmodern art. Networked groups form virtually and on-the-fly, as common interests dictate. Like interpersonal communication, the networks are participatory, their content made up by their audience. Like mass-mediated communication, they involve large audiences. But the networks are neither purely interpersonal nor purely mass--they are a new phenomenon.

Network and Netplay addresses the mutual influences between information technology and group formation and development, to assess the impact of computer-mediated communications on both work and play. Areas discussed include the growth and features of the Internet, network norms and experiences, and the essential nature of network communication.

Contributors: Michael Berthold, Lee Li-Jen Chen, Richard Coyne, Brenda Danet, Patrick Doyle, Brian R. Gaines, Barbara Hayes-Roth, Steve Jones, Sandra Katzman, Edward Mabry, Richard MacKinnon, Margaret McLaughlin, Sid Newton, Kerry Osborne, SheizafRafaeli, Yehudit Rosenbaum-Tamari, Lucia Ruedenberg, Christine Smith, Fay Sudweeks, Alexander Voiskounsky, Diane Witmer.

Table of Contents:
Smile When You Say That: Graphic Accents as Gender Markers in Computer-Mediated Communication3
Frames and Flames: The Structure of Argumentative Messages on the Net13
Telelogue Speech27
"Hmmm ... Where's That Smoke Coming From?" Writing, Play and Performance on Internet Relay Chat41
Media Use in an Electronic Community77
From Terminal Ineptitude to Virtual Sociopathy: How Conduct is Regulated on Usenet95
Investigation of Relcom Network Users113
Practicing Safe Computing: Why People Engage in Risky Computer-Mediated Communication127
The Social Construction of Rape in Virtual Reality147
Interactivity on the Nets173
It Makes Sense: Using an Autoassociative Neural Network to Explore Typicality in Computer Mediated Discussions191
Modeling and Supporting Virtual Cooperative Interaction Through the World Wide Web221
Guided Exploration of Virtual Worlds243
AppProjectH Overview: A Collaborative Quantitative Study of Computer-Mediated Communication265

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Handbook of International Economics or Services Marketing

Handbook of International Economics, Vol. 3

Author: GM Grossman

Up-to-date surveys of all major research areas in international trade and international finance are presented in this volume. The chapters have a high standard of exposition, delivering ideas at the forefront of the field in a clear readable fashion. The volume has a good overall balance of theoretical and empirical coverage.

The trade side of the volume surveys theoretical work on trade based on scale economics and imperfect competition, the relationship between trade and technological progress, strategic trade policy, the political economy of trade policy, and the rules and institutions of international trade, as well as empirical work on trade patterns, trade policies, and regional integration. The finance side covers topics such as exchange rates, purchasing power parity, the current account, the international transmission of business cycles, foreign ending, international capital markets, target zones and speculative attacks on fixed exchange rates, and international economic policy coordination.

For students and researchers interested in understanding developments in modern international economics, this book is an essential reference.


This reference accords recognition to the recent revolution in macroeconomics wrought by imperfect competition. Grossman and Rogoff (Princeton U.) present chapters by two dozen contributors on two prime areas of research interest: international trade theory and policy (e.g. strategic trade patterns and policies, the relationship between trade and technological progress), and open economy macroeconomics and international finance (covering such topics as exchange rates, foreign lending, and policy coordination). The volume commences with Krugman's overview of the positive theory of international trade, and concludes with analyses of sovereign debt. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

New interesting textbook: Leadership Clairs

Services Marketing

Author: David L Kurtz

Services Marketing This practical guide is the first to take a behavioral/managerial approach to one of the fastest growing fields in marketing: services marketing! In an engaging and interesting writing style, the authors present the latest theories and concepts of both domestic and international services marketing, all within the context of how theory is applied in today's dynamic environment. Each chapter contains a short case that allows students an opportunity to apply the concepts of the chapter. All cases are real-world companies, from Scandinavian Airlines to Kinko's. Plus, Services in Action boxes in each chapter spotlight how real-world companies use the concepts. Finally, 8 comprehensive cases throughout the text require readers to integrate the concepts and theories they have learned. Services Marketing Homepage Check it Out! Sample tests Answers to Discussion Questions Links to services companies and articles PowerPoint slides wiley.com/college

Table of Contents:
About the Authors
Ch. 1Introduction to Services Marketing3
Ch. 2The Purchase Process for Services31
Ch. 3Consumer Expectations of Services64
Ch. 4Service Quality97
Ch. 5Operations135
Ch. 6People171
Ch. 7Environment207
Ch. 8Pricing239
Ch. 9Distribution273
Ch. 10Competitive Marketing Strategies307
Ch. 11Managing Supply, Demand, and Productivity344
Ch. 12Customer Retention379
Ch. 13An Integrated Communications Program414
Case 1Jefferson-Pilot Corporation456
Case 2Autotest478
Case 3Clifton, The Country Inn482
Case 4ERG International, Inc.498
Case 5Adult Day Care Center515
Case 6Wright Airline Services Information Systems Organization522
Case 7Eagle Crest Country Club539
Case 8Apollo Hospitals of India (B)549
Subject Index562
Name Index567

Friday, February 6, 2009

Business Law and Regulation of Business or International Retailing

Business Law and Regulation of Business

Author: Richard A Mann

This book provides a concise explanation of the statutory and case law that affects business with the objective of enabling students to use the law as a source for business decision-making. Excellent preparation for CPA exams and numerous critical thinking features are particular strengths of this book. This sixth edition continues the tradition of authoritative, accurate, and up-to-date presentation of the law.

Interesting textbook: Acquisto: Selezione ed acquisizione per industria di ospitalit�

International Retailing

Author: Brenda Sternquist

The fashion industry is becoming more and more global, with many companies sourcing and manufacturing their goods overseas. Retailing is no different. As more US retailers begin to expand beyond the home borders, students must have a keen understanding of both foreign and domestic retailing environments in order to remain competitive. International Retailing, 2nd Edition, will lay the groundwork for understanding the retail environment in key countries around the world, including Korea, India, China, and members of the European Union. It will concentrate on how legal, social, and economic measures have affected the distribution of consumer goods throughout the world and provide a conceptual framework for understanding future trends.

Table of Contents:
•Internationalization of Retailing
•Strategic International Retail Expansion Extended Model and Propositions (SIRE2)
•Location Factors
•International Culture and Human Behavior
•Retailing in Developing Countries
•Licensing, Franchising, and Strategic Alliances
•Retailing in Multinational Markets
•Retailing in North and South America
•Retailing in the United States
•Mexico and Canada
•Retailing in South America
•Retailing in Europe
•Retailing in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Belgium
•Retailing in Germany and France
•Retailing in Spain, Italy, Greece, and Portugal
•Retailing in Central and Eastern Europe: The New Europe
•Retailing in Asia and Australia
•Retailing in Japan
•Impact of Overseas Chinese
•Retailing in the People's Republic of China
•Retailing in South Korea
•Retailing in India
•Retailing in Australia
•Prognosis for the Future

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Quality or Productivity in the U S Services Sector

Quality: A Corporate Force, Managing for Excellence

Author: C Harold Aikens

Companies cannot simply decide that they want to "do quality" and be successful with their implementations. Quality cannot be an objective by itself - rather it is a consequence of the organization doing a lot of things properly. Quality will follow because quality principles form the cornerstone of management practice. Readers who understand this message will have a deeper insight into what ingredients are essential for corporate success. "Quality: A Corporate Force" instructs the reader how to manage in order to ensure that the right kinds of behaviors are taking place.

Open systems and capability models./Focus on real-world management issues and applications./Coverage of process analysis problem-solving and creative tools./Coverage of statistical tools and measurement processes./Learning objectives and key outcomes./Callout of key terms and key ideas./Coverage of the human element and the human resource system./Coverage of senior management issues.

This book covers topics of interest to all levels of an organization - from the formulation of strategy to the formation of Six Sigma project teams.

Table of Contents:

(NOTE: Most chapters begins with a Motivating Case and Learning Objectives and Key Outcomes section and ends with a Summary of Learning Objectives and Key Outcomes, To Test Your Understanding, and Case Analysis section.)



1. Introduction to Quality — The Fundamentals.

Motivating Case: Koolewong Vineyards.

What Is Quality?

Quality in 3-D.

Moments of Truth and Spontaneous Value Judgements.

Dynamic Quality Factors.

Four Dimensions of Service Quality.

Big Q and Little q Quality: Various Perspectives.

The Value Stream and Its Customers.

A Working Definition of Quality.

Quality Through the Ages: History of the Quality Movement.

Quality in Antiquity.

Founders and Foundations.

Quality in the Modern Era: Three Generations.

The World Scene.

Human Relations.

Quality and Management Systems.

Case Analysis: Jetblue: The Anti-Airline Airline — Part I.

2. The Pursuit of Quality Through Systems Thinking — A Business Imperative.

Motivating Case: Polaroid Corporation.

Open Systems Thinking and the Evolution of Organizational Design Theory.

Systems Theory — The First Step in the Quality Journey.

The Machine Age and Machine Theory.

Quality from an Open Systems Perspective.

Quality as a Boundary Judgement and Strategic Intent.

Case Analysis: Jetblue: Post 9/11 — Part I.

3. The Pursuit of Quality Through Strategy.

Motivating Case: Nissan Motor Company.

Strategic Planning for Quality.

Establishing Purpose.

Addressing Interface Issues.

Formulating Strategy.

Execution: Policy Deployment.

Strategy and the Supply Chain.

The Supply Chain and Extended Enterprise.

Supply Chain Design: Ensuring a Strategic Fit.

Supply Chain Performance.

Strategic Planning and Open Systems Thinking.

Case Analysis: Nestle USA: An Old Company With a Net Strategy.




4.  Managing for Qualilty: Organization, Leadership, and Decision-Making.

Motivating Case: Lincoln Electric Company.

Organizing for Quality.

Organization Structures.

Mechanistic Structures.

The Effect of Social Values on Organizational Structure.

Organic Structures.

Contingency Theory.

Structures Based on Knowledge Content.

Lattice Structure.

Structure and Quality.

Quality Leadership.

Leadership Domain.

Leadership Skills.

Why People Follow a Leader.

Quality Decision Making.

Decision-making Is a Process.

The Anatomy of Decision-making.

Programmed Decision-making.

Non-Programmed Decision-making.

What Is a Poor Decision?

Team Building.

Team Effectiveness.

Team Building Culture.

Case Analysis: Starbucks Corporation — Just Say Yes.


5. Managing for Quality: Accountability and Implementation.

Motivating Case: Falk Power Systems.

Performance Measurement and the Balanced Scorecard.

Customer Perspective.

Internal Business Perspective.

Innovation and Learning Perspective.

Financial Perspective.

TQM Failures.

Major Causes for Failure.

Some Common Myths.

Theory of Quality.

TQM Implementation Strategies: Joining the Second Generation.

Is Second Generation Quality Passe?

Second Generation Pre-deployment Phase.

Second Generation Deployment Phase One.

Second Generation Deployment Phase Two.

Quality Inspired Management: Reaching the Third Generation.

Third Generation Deployment Phase Three.

Stakeholder Model of Quality.

Keys to Success.

Critical Factors.

Lessons Learned.

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Winners.

Organizational Readiness.

Sand Cone Model for Change Capability (SCCC).

Case Analysis: Sears, Roebuck and Company — America’s Favorite Place to Shop.


6. Managing for Quality: The Human Element.

Motivating Case: Harriett’s House of Horror.

People: The Key to Quality.

Human Resources as an Open System.

Quality and Human Resources.

High Performance Work Organizations.

Human Resources: A Vital Link Between Culture and Quality.

Cultural Change.

Culture and the Value Stream.

Motivation and Work Design.

Intrinsic Motivating Potential of the Job.

Growth Needs and Job Matching.

Regional Influence on Culture.

Nordic Model.

British Model.

American Model.

Human Capability and Organizational Readiness for QIM.

Sand Cone Model for Human Capability (SCHC).

Measures of Cultural Readiness.

Case Analysis: Social Security Administration — Promoting Economic Security.




7. Understanding Process Behavior — Tools for Problem Solving and Decision Making.

Motivating Case: Federal Communications Commission.

Tools for Creativity.

Tools for Planning.

PDCA Cycle.

Radar or Spider Chart.

Task Cycle.

Tools for Process Analysis.

Flow Chart.

Knowledge Mapping.

Morphological Box.

Moment of Truth Analysis.

Force Field Analysis.

Variance-tracking Matrix.

Six Honest Servants and Five Whys.

Tools for Problem Solving.

The Basic Toolkit: Seven Old Tools.

Seven New Tools for Problem Solving.

Poka Yoke.


8. Statistical Process Control.

Motivating Case: Magna Minerals.

Scales of Measurement and Statistical Process Control.

Scales of Measurement.

Nature of Variables Measurement.

Nature of Attributes Measurement.

Statistical Process Control.

Control Charts for Variables Measures.

Χ, R, and s Charts.

Charts for Individual Measurements.

Control Charts for Attributes Measures.

p Charts and np Charts.

c Charts and u charts.

How to Differentiate Between p Chart and c Chart Data.

Measurement Processes.

Measurement is a Process.

Accuracy — A Calibration Issue.

Precision — How to Capture Measurement Error.

Resolution — How Good is the Measurement Process in Differentiating Among Different Items?

Signal-to-Noise Ratio — Is Measurement Error Large Enough to Cause Concern?

Operational Definitions and Inspector Consistency.

Process Capability.

Engineering Tolerance, Natural Tolerance, and Process Capability.

Capability Indices.

Estimating Defective Parts Per Million Opportunities.

Quality in the Service Sector.


Use of Control Charts in a Services Environment.

Support Services in a Manufacturing Environment.




9. Six-Sigma and Continuous Improvement.

Motivating Case: GE Medical Systems.

What is Six Sigma?

Six Sigma Defined.

Why Six Sigma is Successful.

Preparing for Six Sigma.

Get the Culture Ready.

Select Core Business Processes.

The DMAIC Cycle — Six Sigma Tactics.

Improvement Models.

Define Tactic.

Measure Tactic.

Analyze Tactic.

Control Tactic.

Training Requirements and Roles.



Selecting the Right Projects.

Criteria for Selection.

Sources for New Projects.

Combining Six Sigma With Lean Production.

What Is Lean Six Sigma?

The Lean Toolkit.

Case Analysis: Sertex Sealants, Inc.


10. Materials Management: Supplier Selection/Certification, and The Procurement Cycle.


The Procurement Cycle and Buyer-Supplier Relations.

Proactive Purchasing.

Buyer/Supplier Relationships.

Early Supplier Involvement in Design.

Supplier Certification.

Identifying the Supplier Base.

Supplier Evaluation and Selection.

Post-Certification Metrics, Certification Maintenance, and De-Certification.

Benefits of Supplier Certification.

Case Study: Decision Analysis In Supplier Selection.

Introduction to Attributes Acceptance Sampling.

Overview and Notation.

The Role of Acceptance Sampling.

Randomness in Sampling.

Types of Attributes Acceptance Sampling Plans.

Single Sampling Plans.

Single Sampling Plans, Producer’s Risk, Consumer’s Risk, and OC-Curves.

Measures of Plan Performance — AOQL and ATI.

Curtailment of Inspection for Rejected Shipments.

Developing Single Sampling Plans — Grubbs Approach.

Developing Single Sampling Plans — Dodge-Romig Tables.

Double Sampling Plans.

Operating Characteristic Curves for Double Sampling Plans.

Double Sampling Performance — ASN, AOQL and ATI.

Developing Double Sampling Plans — Grubbs Approach.

Comparing Single and Double Acceptance Sampling Plans.


Book about: Spinal Cord Injury and the Family or Mama Sutra

Productivity in the U. S. Services Sector: New Sources of Economic Growth

Author: Jack E Triplett

The services industries—which include jobs ranging from flipping hamburgers to providing investment advice—can no longer be characterized, as they have in the past, as a stagnant sector marked by low productivity growth. They have emerged as one of the most dynamic and innovative segments of the U.S. economy, now accounting for more than three-quarters of gross domestic product. During the 1990s, 19 million additional jobs were created in this sector, while growth was stagnant in the goods-producing sector.

Here, Jack Triplett and Barry Bosworth analyze services sector productivity, demonstrating that fundamental changes have taken place in this sector of the U.S. economy. They show that growth in the services industries fueled the post-1995 expansion in the U.S. productivity and assess the role of information technology in transforming and accelerating services productivity. In addition to their findings for the services sector as a whole, they include separate chapters for a diverse range of industries within the sector, including transportation and communications, wholesale and retail trade, and finance and insurance.

The authors also examine productivity measurement issues, chiefly statistical methods for measuring services industry output. They highlight the importance of making improvements within the U.S. statistical system to provide the more accurate and relevant measures essential for analyzing productivity and economic growth.

Author Description:
Jack E. Triplett, is a visiting fellow in Economic Studies at the Brookings Institution. He served previously as a chief economist at the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. He is the editor of Measuring the Prices of Medical Treatments (Brookings, 1999).

Barry Bosworth is a senior fellow in the Economic Studies program at the Brookings Institution. His previous books include Saving and Investment in a Global Economy (Brookings, 1993) and Aging Societies: The Global Dimension (Brookings 1998).