Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Handbook of Globalization Governance and Public Administration or Brief Therapy and Managed Care

Handbook of Globalization, Governance, and Public Administration

Author: Ali Farazmand

Mapping the multi-dimensional relationships between the people, local and national governments, international organizations, global corporations, natural resources, and the world market, this encyclopedic volume is both a primer and a guide for researchers, academics, and policy-makers both public and private. Using country-specific cases, the essays examine globalization as a threat to national sovereignty, the environment, and public health, and as a contributor to increasing worldwide inequality and global insecurity. The authors explore ethics and the need for future global consciousness, and call for sustainable development to be grounded in community-based institutions while governments seek growth through market expansion worldwide.

Table of Contents:
1Globalization : a theoretical analysis with implications for governance and public administration3
2Cultural globalization27
3Planning for change : globalization and American public administration39
4The challenge of globalization to public administration identity51
5Globalization and its impact on strategic security69
6Nation-building : an appraisal83
7Globalization and the regulation of professions93
8Globalization and media coverage of public administration153
9The etiology of transnational health security in the age of globalization165
10Globalization and public administration education : a process of mutual transformation in the former Soviet Union and central and eastern Europe175
11Globalization and information and communications technology influences on democratic governance189
12Regional integration, regionalism and public administration : bridging the global-national divide in decision making and policy implementation207
13Globalization and governance : explaining success and failure227
14Global governance, the UN Secretariat, and international public administration273
15Global governance and national governance : how mutually exclusive?297
16Good governance : its theory and practice in India313
17Globalization and governance in the former East Germany : the European union factor325
18Global administrative reforms and transformation of governance and public administration351
19Globalization of administrative reforms : the dilemmas of combining political control and increased institutional autonomy375
20Globalization, regulatory regimes, and administrative modernization in developing nations : toward a theoretical framework407
21Promising the future or just empty promises? : the paradoxes and perils of human resource management reform in a global context439
22Deconstructing the nation-state bureaucracies : supranationalization and regionalization as polarizing forces in the New Europe463
23Adapting Asia and the Asia-Pacific public administration to a globalizing world : some lessons from experience491
24Recent major administrative reforms : Japan's response to global and domestic challenges519
25Administrative reforms in China : globalization or localization?553
26Globalization, bureaucracy, and administrative reform in Hong Kong585
27Chinese administrative reform : a genie in a bottle601
28Privatization in Africa : the case of Botswana623
29Globalization and administrative reforms : a case study of a globalizing city (Gurgaon) in India639
30The effect of the African growth and opportunity act on the textile and apparel industry in South Africa665
31Nature of decentralized governance in Africa : obstacles and measures for strengthening decentralization for good governance685
32Good governance : a model for India701
33Transnational corporations, development, and underdevelopment745
34New views on north-south relations of imperialism759
35Assessing sustainable development administration : a framework and implications for organizational structure799
36International development management : definitions, debates, and dilemmas821
37The World Bank and postconflict reconstruction841
38The effects of governance on competitiveness in India, China, and Mexico847
39The globalization of public administration : rhetoric, reality, and reason in Ghana861
40New public management : theory, ideology, and practice889
41Global ethics in the 21st century : an alternative approach903
42Subnational governments and globalization : the changing face of federalism921
43Globalization and energy943
44Globalization within countries in conflict : the energy company case961
45Competitive advantage and market organizations in the 21st century : market driving or market driven981
46Revenues and expenditures in Russian oblasts : the changing role of financing state and local public services1003
47The earth charter : toward a new global environmental ethic1019
48Globalization : the changing nature of education and training for administration of government1035
49Global health and human rights : challenges for public health administrators in an era of interdependence and mobility1045
50The globalization of public budgeting in the United States1075
51Global climatic stabilization : challenges for public administration in China and the United States1089
52World crisis in public service and administration1137

Book about: Count Me in or 1001 Recipes for Every Occasion

Brief Therapy and Managed Care: Readings for Contemporary Practice

Author: Michael F Hoyt

A Blueprint for Focused, Time-Sensitive Treatment

Michael F. Hoyt shares his lifetime of experience as expert clinician, researcher, and supervisor in one of the nation's largest HMOs to offer a wealth of illustrative case examples and practical information on how to provide more focused, time-sensitive treatment. In this timely resource book, comprising original chapters and carefully selected reprints, Hoyt presents guidelines on how to offer psychotherapy that is both conscientiously managed, appropriate, and sensitive to a client's needs.

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